Browsing by Author Jonnalagedda, Sreelata

Showing results 1 to 18 of 18
Issue DateTitleSub-TitleAuthor(s)Journal NameVolume NumberIssue NumberPages
2013Bidding behavior: impact of recommendations-Bhalla, Manaswini ; Jonnalagedda, Sreelata ; Chakrabarty, Patrali 
30-Oct-2010Building alternative models of brand inertia-Jonnalagedda, Sreelata ; Chakrabarty, Patrali 
2012Buzz the right word: Targeting through word-of-mouth agents-Jonnalagedda, Sreelata ; Bhalla, Manaswini 
2012Buzz the right word: Targeting through word-of-mouth agents-Jonnalagedda, Sreelata ; Bhalla, Manaswini 
2017Commonality decisions when designing for multiple markets-Saranga, Haritha ; Jonnalagedda, Sreelata European Journal of Operational ResearchVol.258Iss.3902-911p.
2016Design for the environment: impact of regulatory policies on product development-Gouda, Sirish Kumar ; Jonnalagedda, Sreelata ; Saranga, Haritha European Journal of Operational ResearchVol.248Iss.2558-570p.
2018Does persuasion knowledge interfere with patient engagement and physician trust? Implications for patient compliance-Jonnalagedda, Sreelata ; Jayanti, Rama K ; Gopalakrishnan, Narayanan 
2011Durable products, time Inconsistency, and lock-in-Jonnalagedda, Sreelata ; Gilbert, Stephen M Management ScienceVol.57Iss.91655–1670p.
2014Heard you but don't know you: Targeting using word of mouth-Bhalla, Manaswini ; Chakrabarty, Patrali ; Jonnalagedda, Sreelata 
2011Heuristics for the assortment planning problem under ranking-based consumer choice models-Jonnalagedda, Sreelata ; Honhon, Dorothee ; Pan, Xiajun Amy 28p.
2020In-out algorithm for assortment planning under a ranking-based consumer choice model-Honhon, Dorothee ; Pan, Xiajun Amy ; Jonnalagedda, Sreelata Operations Research LettersVol.48Iss.3309-316p.
2023Multichannel retailer's channel choice and product pricing: Influence of investment in fit-disclosing technology by competing retailers-Joshi, Raunak ; Basu, Sumanta ; Jonnalagedda, Sreelata ; Avittathur, Balram International Journal of Production EconomicsVol.262AN:108895
2012Optimal algorithms for assortment selection under ranking-based consumer choice models-Honhon, Dorothee ; Pan, Xiajun Amy ; Jonnalagedda, Sreelata Manufacturing and Service Operations ManagementVol.14Iss.2279-289p.
2011Revenue generation in the information era: opportunities and challenges-Jonnalagedda, Sreelata IIMB Management ReviewVol.23Iss.151-63p.
15-May-2011Subscription or pay as you go: A pricing question for infrequent service usage-Jonnalagedda, Sreelata ; Chakrabarty, Patrali 
12-Nov-2010Titan case study-Jonnalagedda, Sreelata 
2019To adapt or design: an emerging market dilemma for automakers-Saranga, Haritha ; Jonnalagedda, Sreelata Production and Operations ManagementVol.28Iss.3550-569p.
2014To adapt or to design: the emerging market dilemma for automakers-Saranga, Haritha ; Jonnalagedda, Sreelata 2p.