Swaminathan, Hema

Full Name
Swaminathan, Hema
Vernacular Name
Hema Swaminathan
Hema Swaminathan
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Hema Swaminathan is an Associate Professor at the Centre for Public Policy. Her broad interests are in the areas of poverty and inequality using a gender perspective. Hema Swaminathan is an Associate Professor at the Centre for Public Policy. Her broad interests are in the areas of poverty and inequality using a gender perspective. Professor Swaminathan’s recent and ongoing research focuses on inequality in income and wealth distributions between men and women and its implications for welfare outcomes. She was a co-PI on the Gender Asset Gap project, a comparative study of Ecuador, Ghana and Karnataka (India). Housed in IIMB, the project was initiated in 2009 to demonstrate the importance and feasibility of collecting individual-level data on women’s and men’s access to and ownership of property. Among many other analyses, the data has generated the first ever estimates of gender asset and wealth gaps. The project was funded by grants from the Dutch Foreign Ministry’s MDG3 Fund, the Vanguard Foundation, the UN Foundation, and UN Women. Her other research interests include the understanding the links between economic growth and women’s labour supply in India and the effect of policy initiatives on health outcomes. Swaminathan is also working on survey methodology to collect improved data on several domains; individual-level data asset ownership and wealth, decision making by women, and women’s engagement with the labour market in developing countries.

Results 1-20 of 23 (Search time: 0.002 seconds).
Issue Date | Title | Sub-Title | Author(s) | Journal Name | Volume Number | Issue Number | Pages | |
1 | 2018 | Assets and shocks: a gendered analysis of Ecuador, Ghana and Karnataka, India | - | Doss, Cheryl ; Oduro, Abena D ; Baah-Boateng, William ; Suchitra, J Y ; Deere, Carmen Diana ; Swaminathan, Hema | Canadian Journal of Development Studies | Vol.39 | Iss.1 | 1-18p. |
2 | 2022 | Contextualizing individual-level asset data collection: Evidence from household surveys | - | Joshi, Kaushal ; Martinez, Arturo M ; Addawe, Mildred ; Soco, Christian Flora Mae ; Swaminathan, Hema | The Journal of Development Studies | Vol.58 | Iss.6 | 1259-1279p. |
3 | 2018 | Do men and women estimate property values differently? | - | Doss, Cheryl R ; Catanzarite, Zachary ; Baah-Boateng, William ; Swaminathan, Hema ; Diana Deere, Carmen ; Boake-Yiadom, Louis ; Suchitra, J Y | World Development | Vol.107 | 75-86p. | |
4 | 2016 | Economic development and women's labor force participation in India | - | Lahoti, Rahul ; Swaminathan, Hema | Feminist Economics | Vol.22 | Iss.2 | 168-195p. |
5 | Jul-2017 | Effect of GST on the logistics sector | - | Swaminathan, Hema | Cargo Connect | |||
6 | 2012 | Gender asset and wealth gaps: evidence from Karnataka | - | Swaminathan, Hema ; Lahoti, Rahul ; Suchitra, J Y | Economic and Political Weekly | Vol.47 | Iss.35 | 59-67p. |
7 | 2019 | Gendered paths to asset accumulation? markets, savings, and credit in developing countries | - | Doss, Cheryl R ; Deere, Carmen Diana ; Swaminathan, Hema ; Oduro, Abena D ; Catanzarite, Zachary ; Suchitra, J Y | Feminist Economics | Vol.25 | Iss.2 | 36-66p. |
8 | 15-Jun-2015 | Getting a fix on wealth inequality | - | Swaminathan, Hema | The Hindu Business Line | |||
9 | 2021 | Global trends in intra-household gender inequality | - | Malghan, Deepak ; Swaminathan, Hema | Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization | Vol.189 | 515-546p. | |
10 | 2010 | Impact of access to credit on labor allocation patterns in malawi | - | Swaminathan, Hema ; Salcedo Du Bois, Rodrigo ; Findeis, Jill L | World Development | Vol.38 | Iss.4 | 555-566p. |
11 | 2019 | Improving health with programmatic, legal, and policy approaches to reduce gender inequality and change restrictive gender norms | - | Heymann, Jody ; Levy, Jessica K ; Bose, Bijetri ; Mekonen, Yehualashet ; Swaminathan, Hema ; Omidakhsh, Negar ; Gadoth, Adva ; Huh, Kate ; Greene, Margaret E ; Darmstadt, Gary L ; Ríos-Salas, Vanessa | The Lancet | Vol.393 | Iss.10190 | 2522-2534p. |
12 | 2014 | Moving from the household to the individual: multidimensional poverty analysis | - | Vijaya, Ramya M ; Lahoti, Rahul ; Swaminathan, Hema | World Development | Vol.59 | 70-81p. | |
13 | 2016 | Not in her name women's property ownership in India | - | Lahoti, Rahul ; Suchitra, J Y ; Swaminathan, Hema | Economic and Political Weekly | Vol.51 | Iss.5 | 17-19p. |
14 | 2013 | Property rights and the gender distribution of wealth in Ecuador, Ghana and India | - | Deere, Carmen Diana ; Oduro, Abena D ; Swaminathan, Hema ; Doss, Cheryl | Journal of Economic inequality | Vol.11 | Iss.2 | 249-265p. |
15 | 20-Nov-2017 | Short-term migration and women farmers | - | Swaminathan, Hema | India in Transition | |||
16 | 2012 | Slums and malnourishment: evidence from women in India | - | Swaminathan, Hema ; Mukherji, Arnab | American Journal of Public Health | Vol.102 | Iss.7 | 1329-1335p. |
17 | 2017 | The effect of paid maternity leave on early childhood growth in low-income and middle-income countries | - | Jahagirdar, Deepa ; Harper, Sam ; Heymann, Jody ; Swaminathan, Hema ; Mukherji, Arnab ; Nandi, Arijit | BMJ Global Health | Vol.2 | Iss.3 | 11p. |
18 | 2021 | Trends in rural fiscal decentralisation in India’s Karnataka state: a focus on public health | - | Rao, Megha ; Mukherji, Arnab ; Swaminathan, Hema | Commonwealth Journal of Local Governance | Iss.25 | 56-78p. | |
19 | 21-Nov-2017 | Women farmers need policy attention | - | Swaminathan, Hema | The Hindu Business Line | |||
20 | 2022 | Women's land ownership and household income diversification patterns in Malawi | - | Hillesland, Marya ; Swaminathan, Hema ; Grown, Caren | Journal of African Development | Vol.23 | Iss.1 | 58-86p. |