Bhagavatula, Suresh

Full Name
Bhagavatula, Suresh
Vernacular Name
Suresh Bhagavatula
Suresh Bhagavatula
Suresh Bhagavathula
Bhagavathula, Suresh
Suresh Bhagavathula
Bhagavathula, Suresh
Main Affiliation
Scopus Author ID
Researcher ID
Professor Bhagavatula’s research interests are in two partly overlapping domains – Entrepreneurship and Social Networks. In Entrepreneurship, his interests are in both low and high technology firms in India. Within the Social Network domain, he is interested in understanding the influence of social capital on performance of entrepreneurs and teams. His research work has been published in the Journal of Business Venturing (JBV), Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice (ETP), StrategicEntrepreneurship Journal (SEJ), and IIMB Management Review.

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