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Title: Green supply chain initiatives: the India perspective
Authors: Ghosh, Debabrata 
Gouda, Sirish 
Shah, Janat 
Keywords: Supply chain management;Sustainability;green supply chain
Issue Date: 2016
Publisher: IGI Global
Abstract: Emergence of 'sustainability' as the new paradigm of conducting business has led to increased focus on operations of firms in emerging economies such as India. With growing concerns on the environmental impact of products and processes of firms in emerging economies, it becomes imperative to understand the factors steering green initiatives in India. This chapter aims to answer the question regarding what drives firms in India towards greening? Through research and discussions with managers, we observe certain common underlying factors determining firms' greening initiatives. The chapter aims to outline these common factors and takes a look at various approaches of firms in India in line with those factors. The current work aims to provide a better understanding of environmental friendly practices in India to both practitioners and researchers alike and establishes a platform for green supply chain research.
ISBN: 9781466696396
ISSN: 2327-350X
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-4666-9639-6.ch014
Appears in Collections:2010-2019 B

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