2010-2019 : [831] Collection home page

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 441 to 460 of 831
Issue DateTitleSub-TitleAuthor(s)Journal NameVolume NumberIssue NumberPages
29-May-2013Uneasy exit from easy money policy-Singh, Charan The Indian Express
5-Mar-2014WhatsApp on the asset valuation front?-Sabarinathan, G The Hindu Business Line
21-May-2013Chit funds explained: facts Vs fiction-Vaidyanathan, R Niticentral.com
16-Dec-2013The cost of crime against women: An economist's perspective a year after the Nirbhaya incident-Singh, Charan The Tribune
31-Oct-2013The global economic situation and India-Singh, Charan The Financial Express
2-Sep-2013Need for universal pension in India-Singh, Charan The Tribune
23-Sep-2013Tackling the eventual taper-Singh, Charan Financial Express
10-Dec-2013Fixing monetary policy-Singh, Charan Financial Express
14-Aug-2013Tackling under-nutrition challenges-Singh, Charan Financial Express
12-Oct-2013Multi-organ failure: The economy has been in the ICU for more than a year-Singh, Charan The Tribune
18-Jul-2013Need to focus on employment generation-Singh, Charan Financial Express
22-Sep-2013Malnutrition, not hunger, ails India-Singh, Charan ; Virmani, Arvind LiveMint
19-Jul-2013Inflation-indexed bonds issued through post offices can dim the shimmer for gold-Singh, Charan The Economic Times
4-Jan-2014Malnutrition among children: India needs a focused public health and nutritional policy-Singh, Charan ; Virmani, Arvind The Tribune
18-Mar-2014Inflation: targeting in India Is Premature-Singh, Charan Financial Express
30-Dec-2015Pay panel leaves Army out in the cold-Singh, Charan The Hindu Business Line
27-Sep-2015Make air tickets cheaper, says the PM-Singh, Charan The Hindu Business Line
13-Aug-2015How to solve a problem like the railways-Singh, Charan ; Raju, Vivek ; Agarwal, Amit The Hindu Business Line
2-Nov-2015Demographic dividend or damp squib?-Singh, Charan The Hindu Business Line
3-Jul-2013The ship is not sinking-Singh, Charan Financial Express
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 441 to 460 of 831