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Title: Consumer behaviour: the Indian context (Concepts and Cases), 2nd edition
Authors: Kumar, S Ramesh 
Keywords: Consumer behaviour;Marketing management
Issue Date: 2017
Publisher: Pearson Education
Abstract: Developments in the realm of digitalization, cultural scenario and in consumer decision making— witnessed in the last couple of years—had brought about a need to revise Consumer Behaviour and Branding: Concepts, Readings and Cases-The Indian Context. The new edition has been titled as Consumer Behaviour: The Indian Context . The text has been holistically updated to reflect rapid changes in the Indian and global markets and the valuable feedback received from subject matter experts, students and working professionals engaged in the discipline. Features New examples to reflect changing lifestyles and consumer decisions 2. Extensive discussion on digitalization and consumer behvaiour 3. Strong conceptual base that stimulates the thought process of the readers 4. Specific applications to illustrate the practical usefulness of concepts 5. Indian cases that have been drawn from real-life brands 6. Attractive visuals of brands to illustrate the concepts discussed Table of Contents Chapter 1: Consumer Behaviour and Brands in the Digital Era, Chapter 2: Consumer Decision Making and Branding Strategies, Chapter 3: The Concept of Perception and Its Impact on Marketing Strategies, Chapter 4: Learning Principles and Their Usefulness to Branding Associations, Chapter 5: The Role of Motivation and Personality Dimensions in Brand Associations, Chapter 6: Attitudes and Their Impact on Branding Strategies, Chapter 7: Diffusion of Innovation: The Acceptance of New Products and Brands, Chapter 8: The Concept of Reference Groups and Their Implications on Branding, Chapter 9: Dimensions of Culture and Branding, Chapter 10: Retailing and Consumer Behaviour Linkages to Branding.
ISBN: 9332586497
Appears in Collections:2010-2019 B

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