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Title: Financial management, 1st edition
Authors: Berk, Jonathan 
DeMarzo, Peter 
Thampy, Ashok 
Keywords: Financial management
Issue Date: 2010
Publisher: Pearson Education
Abstract: Using a unifying valuation framework based on the Law of One Price, this book sets a new standard for corporate finance textbooks. Financial Management blends coverage of time-tested principles and the latest advancements with the practical perspective of the financial manager. With this ideal melding of core content (with modern topics and innovation) with proven pedagogy, the text establishes a new canon in finance. The book offers coverage of the major areas for introductorylevel MBA students as well as the depth required in a reference textbook for upper-division courses. It aims at equipping students with a solid grounding in the core financial concepts and tools needed to make good decisions. Pedagogical featuresinclude common mistakes boxes, step-by-step examples, and concept check focus on modern research and practice, use of Indian examplessuch as RBI, ICICI, TATA Motors, Infosys, CRISIL and TATA Nano Excellent instructors’ and students’ support package in the form of solution manual, instructors’ manual, PowerPoint presentations, My Finance Lab, and a study guide contents.
ISBN: 8131727874
Appears in Collections:2010-2019 B

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