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Title: Gender equity in health: the shifting frontiers of evidence and action
Authors: Sen, Gita 
Piroska, Ostlin 
Keywords: Gender equity;Health industry;Health services
Issue Date: 2010
Publisher: Routledge India
Abstract: This volume brings together experts from a variety of disciplines such as medicine, biology, sociology, epidemiology, anthropology, economics and political science; who focus on three areas: health disparities and inequity due to gender, the specific problems women face in meeting the highest attainable standards of health, and the policies and actionsthat can address them. Highlighting the importance of intersecting social hierarchies (e.g. gender, class and ethnicity) for understanding health inequities and their implications for health policy, contributors detail and recommend policy approaches and agendas that incorporate, but go beyond commonly acknowledged issues relating to women’s health and gender equity in health.
ISBN: 0415801907
Appears in Collections:2010-2019 B

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