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Title: Consumer behavior, 10th edition
Authors: Schiffman, Leon G 
Kanuk, Leslie Lazar 
Kumar, S Ramesh 
Wisenblit, Joseph 
Keywords: Consumer behaviour;Consumer behavior;Marketing management;Consumer research
Issue Date: 2010
Publisher: Pearson Education
Abstract: Some of the unique features of the book are: • New and extensive coverage on the use of new media in creating more effective targeting strategies and customized promotional messages • New discussions on the role of consumer behaviour in advancing marketers’ social responsibility and ethics • Greater emphasis on applying the knowledge of consumer behaviour in the development of marketing strategies • Enhanced coverage of the global dimensions of consumer behaviour throughout the book • Learning objectives are stated at the beginning of each chapter and identified at the start of the corresponding sections in each chapter • Many of the cases in this edition are brand new, with two cases appearing at the end of each chapter Revised exercises focus on critical thinking and the application of material to real world situations. Belonging to the domain of Marketing, Professor Ramesh Kumar joined IIMB in 1995. His key areas of interests include exploring the application of marketing/consumer behaviour concepts in the Indian context. His specific research interests include branding-consumer-behaviour interface, relationship marketing and combining online and offline marketing strategies.
ISBN: 9780135053010
Appears in Collections:2010-2019 B

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