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Title: The wise go against destiny
Authors: Narayanswamy, Ramnath 
Keywords: Spirituality
Issue Date: 3-Dec-2014
Publisher: The Printers Mysore Private Limited
Abstract: A wise man goes against the stars by doing the right thing in thought, speech and action. The Gita affirms the solemn truth that a person is indeed his faith. It is the faith of a person that determines the essence of that person. But faith, too, is determined by the gunas. Sri Krishna explains that a person of sattvic qualities performs sacrifices to the gods. The person of rajasic temperament performs sacrifices to the demi-gods and a person of tamasic temperament performs sacrifices to ghosts and other ethereal beings. Read more at:
Description: Deccan Herald, Bangalore, 03-12-2014
Appears in Collections:2010-2019

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