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Full Name
Mani, Dalhia
Vernacular Name
Dalhia Mani
Dalhia Mani
Scopus Author ID
Researcher ID
Dalhia’s research focuses on the networks of ownership ties between firms. She studies the extent to which patterns of ownership ties between firms lead to positive outcomes such as increased firm performance and innovation, and negative outcomes such as tax sheltering and tunnelling. At a more micro-level, she studies how individuals interact, and utilize their networks in complex and uncertain situations. She did her PhD from the University of Minnesota in 2010, and then served as an Assistant Professor in HEC Paris, France until 2016.
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Issue DateTitleSub-TitleAuthor(s)Journal NameVolume NumberIssue NumberPages
12018Managing the family business: theory and practice by Thomas Zellweger, Edward Elgar Publishing, 2017, 544p., Rs. 6175.00-Mani, Dalhia IIMB Management ReviewVol.30Iss.2189-189p.