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Full Name
Roy, Rishideep
Vernacular Name
Rishideep Roy
Rishideep Roy
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Rishideep Roy has completed his Bachelors and Masters from the Indian Statistical Institute, during the course of which he has received training in Theoretical Statistics, Applied Statistics and Probability Theory. During this time he has also researched in Reliability Theory, Distribution Theory and Circular Statistics. During his PhD at the University of Chicago, he has worked on extreme value theory, focussed on Gaussian processes - which has wide application in areas ranging from Finance to Astrophysics.
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Results 1-4 of 4 (Search time: 0.003 seconds).

Issue DateTitleSub-TitleAuthor(s)Journal NameVolume NumberIssue NumberPages
12023A branching random walk in the presence of a hard wall-Roy, Rishideep Journal of Applied Probability
22021Coexistence in discrete time multi-type competing frog models-Roy, Rishideep ; Saha, Kumarjit Electronic Communications in ProbabilityVol.26
32017Convergence of the centered maximum of log-correlated gaussian fields-Ding, Jian ; Roy, Rishideep ; Zeitouni, Ofer Annals of ProbabilityVol.45Iss.63886-3928p.
42024Real-time forecasting within soccer matches through a Bayesian lens-Divekar, Chinmay ; Deb, Soudeep ; Roy, Rishideep Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series A: Statistics in Society